National Minimum Wage updates
The National Minimum Wage has gone up and that means young people are set to receive an average £450 pay rise per year. The hourly rate for the minimum wage depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice.
Accounts Deadlines in 2016-17
Reminder to all clients on the deadline of submission for paperwork to us. If you need more information about the deadlines or submissions, please contact the office.
Updates and Deadlines
It has been a good year so far! Harris Accountancy Services is now a certified Proadvisor for QuickBooks accounting software enabling us to assist you with your book keeping.
Dividend Tax Update 2016
From April 2016 the Dividend Tax Credit will be replaced by a new tax-free Dividend Allowance. This simpler system will mean that only those with significant dividend income will pay more tax.
Grant Treatments for Tax
Grants received by CICs and other social enterprises are not automatically treated as tax free or exempt. It is essential to establish the nature of the grant for corporation tax and VAT purpose.